


The government of Bhutan is a constitutional monarchy, with the King of Bhutan serving as the head of state and the Prime Minister serving as the head of government. The country has a multi-party parliamentary system, with the National Assembly serving as the legislative branch of the government.

Bhutan’s political system is based on the principles of Gross National Happiness, which prioritizes the well-being and happiness of the country’s citizens over economic growth and development. The government is responsible for promoting the country’s unique cultural heritage, protecting the environment, and ensuring the well-being of its citizens.

The government of Bhutan operates on a federal level, with 20 dzongkhags (districts) and 205 gewogs (blocks) forming the administrative units of the country. The government has been working to promote decentralization, with responsibilities and decision-making powers being transferred from the central government to local authorities.

Overall, the government of Bhutan is committed to promoting the well-being of its citizens, preserving the country’s unique cultural heritage, and ensuring sustainable economic growth and development.

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